Data augmentation — is a powerful regularization technique for object detectors, as well as for any model, working with visual data. In addition, data augmentation helps to artificially enlarge datasets, if you do not have enough instances in your training dataset.
However, before you find a proper augmentation technique, it is crucial to visualize the data augmentation pipeline. Moreover, some Tensorflow functions have a large variety of parameters, which leaves ML engineers confused about their correct use.
Therefore, this article visualizes the main data augmentation techniques for Tensorflow object detection models, and describes the meaning of each function parameter.
After reading this article, you will understand:
How 10 out of 36 image augmentation techniques modify images in Tensorflow object detection
Which transformations will increase performance of your image recognition model
Moving through the paper, we will cover 10 of the 39 available data augmentation functions, described in the Tensorflow file. A part, dedicated to each function, is split into several subsections:
Before / After — illustration of the data augmentation function, with an explanation of the performed modification.
Separate series — a result of applying data augmentation to the image several times (which, due to the probabilistic algorithms, will provide different images). This section will allow you to understand, how your image will be modified and presented to models in different mini-batches.
Function parameters explanation — because some of the functions have up to 7–8 parameters, which can confuse users. It is primary to understand the meaning of every parameter. Some of them can lead to skipping-out classes out of the image (e.g. random cropping, which we will discuss in the article)!
P.S. For all images, that you will see below — the original photo can be found via this link.
Let’s get it started!
In random_horizontal_flip, random_vertical_flip
In the image below, we can see that this function randomly rotates the image around its vertical axis (for a horizontal flip). Vertical flip does a similar transformation, rotating the image with respect to another axis.
As an image is encountered from minibatch to minibatch, it will be rotated with a certain probability. Probability is a parameter of applying this augmentation function.
This function has only one parameter — probability
, which determined how likely the image is rotated, during the data augmentation step. Preferably, for a probability = 0.5
, your model will be presented with equal shares of the original and flipped images.
In random_adjust_brightness
The functions algorithm is the following:
, +max_delta
), where max_delta
— parameter of the function (remember, max_delta
must be from 0 to 1. On the image above, max_delta = 0.5
)Remember, that this data augmentation can both darken and lighten images! Therefore, it is useful, if your object detector is subject to varied lighting conditions for images.
The image below demonstrates, how your model will see augmented image through several mini-batches (if the same image is sampled into some of them).
The function has two parameters — seed
and max_delta
— is necessary for reproducible results.
— regulates, how much is added (subtracted) from the image, downscaled to the pixel range [0.0, 1.0]. Beware, max_delta
cannot surpass (0.0, 1.0) range!
In random_black_patches
As you observe in the image below, this augmentation is crucial for object detection tasks, when an object is particularly overlapped. Random black patches force a model to recognize an instance by its parts. For example, in this image, a model will be forced to detect sushi, based on their right halves and the presence of fish on top. As well, the plate will not be entirely visible during the whole training process.
An image below shows you, how it will be presented to the object detector, after applying black patch augmentation. Here, you can make several important notes:
Your target classes (e.g. sushi on the image) will not be covered every time! The patches are applied probabilistically, and the chance of covering your target object depends on the patch size, number of patches, and probability of patches. Luckily, they are the parameters of the function.
— we need random_seed
for reproducible results.
— how many times the function tries to add a patch to the image. Every try, a patch is added with a certain probability (regulated by the probability function parameter).
— determines the patch size. According to documentation, patch size is determined by the equation below:
patch_size = \
size_to_image_ratio * min(image_width, image_height)
For example, below you will see a visualization of 8 black patches, applied to the image with 90% probability, with different size_to_image_ratio
parameters: 0.15, 0.25, and 0.25 respectively. Important conclusion: you must carefully choose the function parameters and visualize their effect! As you see, it can black out your target classes!
In random_patch_gaussian
The functionality of Gaussian patches is very similar to the black patches, that we have discussed previously. Adding random noise to images sometimes helps to regularise models, preventing them from overfitting to particular pixels.
The Gaussian patch algorithm is the following:
Pay attention that, due to probabilistic augmentation, your patches will not always be covering your target classes!
, max_patch_size
— integers, that define the minimum and maximum size of patches. Resulting size is a randomly sampled number from [min_path_size
, max_patch_size
, max_gaussian_stddev
— floats, that define the minimum and maximum standard deviation of the noise, that will be applied to the image (in the patch region). Standard deviation for current iteration will be randomly samples from [min_gaussian_stddev
, max_gaussian_stddev
— the probability of returning the original image. If random_coef
is 0, a patch will be applied with 100% probability.
— for reproducible results.
In random_crop_image
Random cropping — is a process of cropping out a subset of the image. Beware, that random cropping modifies image size, the resulting crop is smaller! It can lead to cropping-out target classes out of the image, as we will see.
According to the documentation:
Random image cropping – is one of the most dangerous data augmentations. In the images below, you can understand why.
First and foremost, we label the photo with two instances of sushi and one instance of the plate. Note, that the photo contains two small classes, and one large (plate), which “wraps” the smaller ones. This is the key to understanding the danger of cropping.
For this series of images, the user constraints were:
: 0.1 (As a minimum, cover 10% of the whole object)aspect_ratio_range
: (1, 1) (Allowed range of aspect ratio for cropped image)area_range
: (0.01, 1.0) (Allowed area range for the cropped image)overlap_thresh
: 0.3 (If overlap with the bounding box is less than 30%, the algorithm deletes this bounding box!)Below you see the result of applying random_crop_image function with the above parameters. In some mini-batches, the cropping augmentation crops out smaller classes!
Cropping out your target classes during training could be critical for your object detection task, if you have an extremely small dataset, and do not want your model to miss out on labelled data. Think twice and visualize carefully chosen parameters, before you decide to apply this function in your data augmentation pipeline. And remember, that this function modifies image size, which might not be desirable for your task.
— the cropped image covers at least the min_object_covered
percentage of at least one object on the image. It means, that if the function covers min_object_covered
of one class — it can crop the image, to exclude all other classes. An example of excluding classes is on the image above — when the cropping covers 30% of the plate (but not sushi) — it selects the crop, where sushi is not presented!
— tuple of two integers or floats. The aspect ratio will be chosen randomly from the range (aspect_ratio_range[0]
, aspect_ratio_range[1])
. Regulates the aspect ratio of the cropped image. For example, on image below for several values of aspect_ratio_range
— (1, 2), (2, 3), and (0.1, 0.2) respectively.
— allowed range of area(cropped_image) / area(source_image). On the image below, you can see variations of croppings, performed for the same area_range = (0.1, 0.2)
— If the bounding box overlaps with cropped image by less than overlap_thresh
percent — the algorithm will delete this bounding box. This is dangerous because you can skip your target classes. Be aware when regulating this parameter.
— If the bounding boxes are “clipped” to the new, cropped image. By default, this argument is True
, and we recommend keeping it True
unless the task is very specific. If you do not clip your bounding boxes to new image dimensions — you will have negative bounding box coordinates. Because old coordinates are no longer present on the cropped, smaller version of the image, they will turn into negative values.
— the probability of returning the original input image. When random_coef
is set to 0.0, the algorithm will always modify the image (which is something you might not wish for, as the model should be presented original data sometimes).
— for reproducible results.
In random_jitter_boxes
We skip the Before / After section, because this is not an image augmentation technique. However, you will see what it does with bounding boxes on the images below.
As you see, box jittering — is a process of “shaking” your bounding boxes. This technique is useful, if you are not sure about the quality of labeling, and want to make your model robust to less precise tagging. However, beware the danger of using this technique, because sometimes, when a model gives precise detections, jittered ground truth forces the model to shift the predicted bounding box and make it less accurate.
— for example, if the bounding box is 100 pixels in linear size, and the ratio
is 0.05 — then the corners of the box can jitter up to 5 pixels. For instance, below you can see separate images for various values of ratio
parameter: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8]. It means, that in the last photo, the bounding box could fluctuate 80% of the bounding box size. As you see, the higher the ratio
is, the more severe the regularization. Up to the point, that a model will not be able to learn if the boxes are jittering too much.jitter_mode
— various modes of jittering, described below (cited from documentation):
— for reproducible results.
In random_pad_image
As you can see below, random padding adds default vertical and horizontal margins to the image. Keep in mind, that this augmentation modifies image size. The function works in the following way:
In the following picture, notice how greatly vary the linear sizes of the resulting image. Even though they seem the same, images’ linear sizes vary from 300 to 500 pixels.
— a tensor, consisting of two values. For each iteration, the minimum image size will be sampled at random from your specified range. For example, if you want the minimum size to be always above 350 pixels, but never exceed 500, initialize this parameter as follows:
min_image_size = \
tf.constant([350, 500], dtype=tf.int32)
— parameter, that describes the available range for maximum image size in pixels. Initialize it the same way as min_image_size
— the color of padding in RGB color scheme. Initialize this parameter as shown below:
# for red color
pad_color = \
tf.constant([255, 0, 0], dtype=tf.float32)
— defined, if the original image will be placed in the center of the padded rectangle, or not. For instance, in the picture below you will see paddings, for pad_center=False
In random_adjust_contrast
A function explains itself — it adjusts the contrast of the image. However, if contrast distortions are not typical for your task domain — it might not be reasonable to include this technique in your augmentation pipeline.
Beware, that, as the image below suggests, random contrast adjustment can both enhance and weaken the contrast of your train images! As your image will be presented across several mini batches — its contrast will be both enlarged and suppressed.
, max_delta
— floats, that regulate the magnitude of contrast adjustment. For reference, in the series of image above, min_delta = 0.3
, max_delta = 1.6
— for reproducible results.
In random_adjust_hue
This preprocessing is reasonable if your images are subject to hue and color distortions, that affect the whole image. Otherwise, consider not taking advantage of this technique, as it might worsen your model’s performance.
Down this text, you see how significantly it distorts the color of the image. Be mindful of embedding this technique into your augmentation pipeline. It might not be reasonable for food-related tasks, as the color change is not so critical.
— the intensity of the hue modification. For reference, max_delta = 0.5
on the image above, which already leads to intense distortion.
— for reproducible results.
Good job! In this article, we have covered 10 data augmentation techniques, available in Tensorflow object detection framework. Let us highlight how important this is to visualize your data augmentation pipeline, with the selected hyperparameters.
Today, we have seen that some functions are probable to crop out your target classes, blackout them, or even delete or shift your bounding boxes! This is primary to understand, before taking advantage of image data augmentation. The key takeaways of the article are: